• Since 2019, District wide enrollment has declined by 21%
- 2019 enrollment 2861 Students
- 2024 enrollment 2386 Students
• Since 2019, Administration and Pupil Support Costs have increased 55.6%
- 2019 total expenditures $4,723,134
- 2024 total expenditures $7,349,185
• Since 2019 Superintendent's Compensation has increased $102,670, 38.9% in 5 years.
- 2019 compensation $264,133*
- 2024 compensation $366,803*
• Since 2019, Certificated and Classified Staff expenses have increased almost 36%
• For 23-24 calendar year, dollars per student spent is $33K, almost 2 x the State average of $18K
• 2022 data suggests Education workforce approx.76% teachers are female*
- Less than 1/3 of of Education workforce are in Superintendent roles nationwide in the top 500 populous districts nationwide.*
- LBUSD has 11 Administrative departments only 3 are led by women - 27%**
- Top 6 Administrative positions in our District are male**
- 4 District schools - 4 principals - 3 male, 3 Assistant principals - 2 male
*"Superintendent research project" Assessing Worsening Gender Disparities March/April 2022
** Data gathered from District sites and been submitted for verification from District staff
• Top three District Goals found on LBUSD website are:
- Continuous Improvement - According to the Center for Public Education, its 2019 report "Eight characteristics of an Effective School Board" Effective boards are data savvy; they embrace and monitor data, even when the information is negative, and use it to drive continuous improvement. - Our Administrative costs are up 55% since 2019 and our enrollment is down 21%. Are excessive development plans and over the top administration growth data driven?
- Every Student, Every Day - AP students have limited offering opportunities. Required classes and electives may only be offered once or twice a day and often at the same time. While state mandated start times of 8:30, zero period or 7/8 are "optional" choices to include in negotiations to incentivize teachers to offer classes to expand availabiltiy for students and athletes.
- Relationship Matter - At the April 2024 Board meeting, President Vickers is on record stating that the Facilities Master Plan and pool component assumed that the City would be contributing. However, District administration did not include City or Community input when drafting their initial $150 million plan. Thousands of dollars and over a year plus of time has been wasted with poor planning and assumptions from District leadership. This is autocratic leadership style, not a collaborative, visionary style where relationships truly matter.
• Current (and formerly recalled) Board President Jan Vickers - Board member for over 35 years*
- Ms. Vickers has served as President of the Board 6 times in the last 10 years.
- Ms. Vickers was first elected to the Board in 1980, reelected in 1984 and 1988
- Ms. Vickers was RECALLED in 1987 for allowing a local coach to be reinstated after a drug possession arrest.
- Ms. Vickers was appointed back to the Board in 1992. She stepped back in 1996. Ran again in 2000 until now.